daniel by David Brunetti

"Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize; Taylor Wessing; award; exhibition; National Portrait Gallery; Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize 2012; Documentary Photography; Documentary; David Brunetti; Brunetti; photographic portrait; Photography; Photojournalism; Portraiture; prize; Reportage; Africa; EveryChild; Ethiopia; vulnerable minors; homelessness; domestic violence; charity; NGO; development"

© David Brunetti

This is Daniel, who was homeless living in the streets of Addis with a group of children trying to keep each other safe at night until he was offered a place at a safe home supported by EveryChild. The streets of Addis are full of people living on the street. There are many street gangs, who prey on others who sleep on the street. They attack them, steal what little money they have, and rape them too. Living in the streets of Addis, Daniel was in real danger of slipping into life marked by crime and violence like so many other children.

The portrait of Daniel was taken while I was working on assignment with EveryChild in Ethiopia. I have entered Daniel’s portrait in the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2012 but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be and it wasn’t selected for the exhibition. Nevertheless, I believe his portrait still deserves to be seen and his story to be told.

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